1. Forgetting your curling/straightening iron

2. The annoying advisor
3.Waking up early for shachris just to get doughnuts, and finding out there are none left
4. Getting caught alone with someone of the opposite gender
5. Roller Skating, again
6. Advisors getting creative with wakeup
7. The kid giving Friday night D’var Torah speaking for 2.5 hours
8. Finding out you’re moving and needing to find a new NCSY chapter
9. Wondering why every single shabbaton features a shiur about why you should be shomer negiah
10. Everyone at school thinking I’m crazy because I just became shomer
11. Being asked what those wierd stringy thingys are
12. Wondering why you are listening to a 30 minute infomercial about why you should go to Touro/Lander colleges when you were just accepted to (insert name of top 50 school here)
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