1. My watch is slow
2. I didn’t realize what time it was
3. I thought we changed the clocks
4. I thought we were on camp time
5. It’s just the hallway!
6. I’m sharing clothes with my friend
7. I’m sephardi – slichot?
8. My room’s on fire
9. OMG, I left my toothbrush in my friend’s room
10. I got lost
11. I have a chavrusa,” “With who?” “Umm.. my boyfriend”
12. I’m helping out with……. that thing
13. I’m an advisor
14. My roommate snores
15. I snore
16. I work for the hotel
17. I’m on REBO
18. I’m not on the shabbaton
19. I have a nametag
20. Spontaneous Kumzitz
And when all else fails…. the forced cry

Came up with better excuses when you were an NCSYer? Heard of any worse excuses as an advisor? Comment below and share on Facebook and Twitter with all your NCSY friends!