1. Get the old gang back together

1970: Advisors drive up for an NCSY Shabbaton on erev Shabbos.
Let’s face it, it’s been some time since you all got back together. It may have even been a whole week. Or perhaps a splendid two decades. It’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and reminisce about the old days. Or yesterday, either or.
2. NCSY Apparel
Like American Apparel™, but more exclusive. But seriously, we’ll be giving limited edition T-shirts to those who join us.
3. Post-Pesach Cardio
OU members prepare for their annual workout.
We abstained from eating bread for eight days, faithfully consuming potatoes instead. Now time to walk off that Jewish guilt! And what better way than with your favorite youth arm of the OU! (check out our learn-a-thon for help with next month’s cheesecake-induced shame)
4. Bragging Rights
This could be you. With some embellishment of course, any good NCSY story is 40% made up.
You’ve been telling the same stories over again and again – you know you need new content. March with NCSY for the next new adventure story to tell at your Shabbos table all summer!
5. Concrete Jungle Gym
You heard us. Parkour, people! As much as a mile of spacious wonder beckoning you to try all your moves. This is the year to show you still got it.
6. Support Israel
The parade is the perfect venue to show your support for the State of Israel through the purchase of food manufactured there after you’re ready to pass out once you make it to the end. That was the idea, right?
Don’t miss out! March with the NCSY community in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade on Sunday, June 1, 2014. Fill out the form by May 9th to sign up and ensure you receive a free T-Shirt! Stay tuned for meeting place and exact start time as the date approaches.