June 27, 2014

20 Things only people who went on Camp Sports would understand + PHOTOS

A truck pool, Alfie's story time and 7 layer deli cake may not mean anything to you... unless you went to Camp Sports!

  1. Dumpster Diving

  2. Extra Thumb

  3. Rocking the Van

  4. Scenic Route

  5. Power Hour

  6. Rabbi G always Wins

  7. Truck Pool

  8. Cricans

  9. Cotton Planters Court

  10. Beverly

  11. Bill

  12. Jeff

  13. Alfie’s story time

  14. 7 layer deli cake

  15. Rabbi Frieds raffle tickets


  17. Week 3 speech

  18. After tisch :)

  19. Another one smells the sock

  20. The Glenn Taylor Show


And now for some exciting photos from the last couple of years at Camp Sports.

 NCSY Sports Camp
NCSY Sports Camp
NCSY Sports Camp NCSY Sports Camp NCSY Sports Camp july 2 1 july 2 july 10 2 July30.23 July30.30 July30.34 July30.37 june 30


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