June 3, 2014

Top 10 Reasons to Sign up for the Learn-a-Thon

Join hundreds of NCSYers, alumni, staff, advisors, parents and supporters from across the world in a global learn-a-thon to complete Kol HaTorah Kulah (all of Tanach, Mishna and Gemara) in honor of NCSY's 60th anniversary!


1. Be part of a global movement, hello.


2. Learning is fun!


3. Help 1000s of teens attend Yarchei Kallah, TJJ and go to seminary/yeshiva in Israel for the year


4. Help open up new NCSY chapters around the globe


5. Be featured on the cool list of learners


6. Receive a limited edition NCSY at 60 baseball hat


7. Be part of NCSY history


8. Celebrate the completion of Kol HaTorah Kulah on August 7


9. Burns more calories than running in a marathon (*note: this has not been medically proven)


10. It’s a great reason to ask your parents to buy you Jewish books


 Sign up now at learn.ncsy.org

Help us finish Kol HaTorah Kulah and raise $1,000,000. Click here to sign up to learn or sponsor a learner in the NCSY at 60 Learn-a-Thon.