1. Finally becoming an advisor and NCSYer friends doubting your authority
2. Finding out how much money is in an advisor’s paycheck
3. NCSYers calling dibs on you to be their learning partner
4. Trying to make a funny joke in a skit… and it just doesn’t work
5. Trying to wake up NCSYers and convince them to go to davening
6. Being yelled at by staff for not getting NCSYers to davening on time

9. When you don’t find a suitable marriage partner at regional and your NCSYers are just like
And best…
10. Getting to leave a program when you’re bored
11. Not having curfew
12. Getting Free flights
13. Having volunteer work to add to your resume
14. Having high school kids finally think your cool
15. Believing you are saving the world
16. Finally being able to leave the dining room without an excuse
17. Being an expert in shomer negiah
18. Being flown to hot places during winter break
19. Free dating event
20. Cheaper than SYAS
21. Getting to boss people around
22. Getting 500 Facebook friends overnight
23. Having a frum reason to reactivate Facebook after coming back from Israel
24. Winning advisor of the Year Award
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