Today is Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the new Jewish month. The Jewish calendar (and in turn, the Jewish monthly cycle) was the first instruction that God ever gave the Jewish people over 3,000 years ago. Over the past few thousand years of Jewish history the first day of the month has been held
The inspiring story behind the Krombach, Rohatiner and Garfunkel families' involvement in NCSY.
You definitely haven't heard of all them but you've certainly heard of some of them.
For the first few posts I am going to try and write about things that we should try and integrate into our daily lives, as opposed to specific items to try and accomplish on that day. Today, I want to talk about talking to God, or prayer. No, I am not talking about going into
Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, former director of education for NCSY, reflects on the oversized role that music has played in inspiring NCSYers for decades.
NCSY’s 60 Days of Growth is an opportunity to celebrate NCSY’s 60th birthday through growth and learning. Take a step away from your normal routine and into a new experience. Stepping away from our routine has the potential to be an amazing opportunity to grow and turn our lives around Each day for the next
Unless of course your NCSY days were after the 1990s, in which case you probably won't remember #3.