Yesterday, we talked about waking up and appreciating what we have. Today, I want to carry on the theme of waking up and carry some of these ideas to the rest of your day. There is an ancient Jewish tradition, based on a verse written by King David (Psalms 26:6), “‘אֶרְחַץ בְּנִקָּיוֹן כַּפָּי; וַאֲסֹבְבָה
Rabbi Moshe Benovitz demonstrates the more things change, the more things stay the same.
Each and every day we take tons of things for granted. We all do it. Let’s think for a minute about the super little things in life, like the fact that when you put food in your mouth, your body knows what to do with it to keep you alive and the fact that your
Sure you don't get to sleep for 72 hours... you need to live off of stale potato chips and instant coffee... you are forced to endure long bus rides with loud, cheering, screaming, excited, and overly hyper teenagers... And maybe even experience some of the following other minor annoyances, but no advisor can deny the sweet perks that come along with the position as well.
God created this world for us to enjoy it. We are charged to go out into the world, find the beauty in it and realize that this beauty is an expression of God’s awesomeness. It is an inherently Jewish concept to appreciate the beauty and awesomeness in the world, not regard it as evil and
Happy 60th anniversary NCSY Havdalah! Believe it or not, NCSY's famous Havdalah has been with them from the very beginning.
The Torah teaches us many life lessons, many of them are big things, like “honor your mother and father” or “don’t kill” but there are also some, seemingly, small lessons the Torah has to teach us about our day-to-day actions. Now, as I said, these things are only seemingly small, in reality they are HUGE.