60 Faces of NCSY

Often, a person has no idea of the impact he or she has made on someone else. 60 Faces of NCSY was created to change that. The people we feature every day were nominated by NCSY alumni and NCSYers to express gratitude to someone that inspired them.

Julianne Subia


Nominated and written by Sarah Starr, NCSYer


Julianne is my role model. Aside from being a good Jewish girl who says her prayers and does her mitzvot, she is one of the kindest and most sincere people I know. Not to mention that naturally vintage style of hers. But she’s there with me when I need her, when I’m going through difficulties in my life. Not many people give me that same feeling of support. Honestly, she’s a Jewish mother disguised as a 17-year-old girl.


Julianne is the one that introduced me to NCSY. I didn’t know a single person there and yet I agreed to follow her to my first event, trusting her that I would have a good time. There I was, barely conservative, throwing myself into a group of orthodox kids. I stuck by her side and she gave me faces and names. I was enchanted by the torah lesson and even went home that night with new friends I had made not an hour earlier.


She also took me on my first shabbaton, which was the most meaningful experience of my life thus far. It was a weekend that made best friends in under 24 hours, taught me how to dance like there’s no tomorrow, and reconnected me with my Judaism (I have learned to pick up my siddur since then and I actively try to incorporate more Judaism into my life). My favorite memory of those few days was when a boy gave a d’var torah, speaking of role models. I looked right at Julianne and realized how she was able to exemplify every trait he mentioned in his speech. She caught on and immediately started crying, overjoyed that I thought (and still think) so highly of her. On the next shabbaton, she gave her own d’var torah and recounted the experience. So, now it’s my turn to recognize her.


Julianne Subia is a role model, an inspiration, and a friend. NCSY is lucky to have her representing all of us.