60 Faces of NCSY

Often, a person has no idea of the impact he or she has made on someone else. 60 Faces of NCSY was created to change that. The people we feature every day were nominated by NCSY alumni and NCSYers to express gratitude to someone that inspired them.

Rabbi Shmuel Miller

Previous New England Regional Director

Nominated and written by Dan Hazony, NCSY Director of Information Systems and alumnus

I was introduced to Rabbi Miller when I was a junior in high school by a teen who knew I was interested in starting a Jewish/Israel club in my public high school. After successfully starting the first JSU in New England (Newton South High School), I became increasingly involved in NCSY. Once at Boston University, Rabbi Miller approached me about helping to manage and run the half dozen new clubs in the Boston area, and I readily accepted.

As our working relationship and the JSU clubs in the region grew, so did our friendship. On my first NCSY shabbaton (which was as a staff member) Rabbi Miller introduced me to a senior who would be attending Boston University in the fall as well. Four years and one week later, he privileged my wife and I by being our mesader kedushin. From that first moment of meeting him until years after officiating under my chuppah, he inspired both myself, my wife, and our respective families in unimaginable ways.

I had the privilege of working many years together with Rabbi Miller. He kept inspiring me to grow and look at everything that I do from multiple perspectives. He was a great sounding board, a great mentor, and a great friend. As I grew in my Judaism, he was always there supporting me and teaching me. Without him, I’m not sure where I would be today.